What is the rationale for adopting the management approach, accounting homework help

What is the rationale for adopting the management approach, accounting homework help

it has a 500 word limit .

All assignments must be typed in Times New Roman or Arial, size 12, 1.5 to 2.0 spacing, justified (align to both left and right), have the standard cover sheet and be signed by the group members stating that the work is original. Harvard referencing must be used, failure to do so will result in loss of marks

The main purpose of this assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge in the topic of segment reporting.  Each group must submit an essay on ‘segment reporting’ (Chapter 24 in prescribed textbook).  Segment reporting generally refers to the disclosure practice of diversified groups to report their results generated from units operating in markets with different profitability, risks and growth potential.  The current accounting method, AASB 8, adopts a management approach to segment reporting