WesternArt powerpoint

WesternArt powerpoint

  1. Research Project

    Learning Activities

    You are to create an informative Powerpoint presentation that compares and contrasts two periods in art history that we have studied so far within this course. For example, one could compare Baroque with Mannerism, or Nineteenth Century Realism with French Impressionism.


    1. Must compare at least three examples of fine arts or architecture from one era with three examples of fine arts or architecture from another.

    2. Must include at least six images altogether, and include artist’s full name, title of art piece, year of production, country (location and culture), size of the art piece, materials/medium used to create it)3. Must identify at least four similarities and differences for each of the three different comparisons. 4. Must explain your artwork comparisons in your own words. (students who copy and paste information directly from the web will automatically fail the research project. Trust me, I will be able to identify your style of writing based on what you share within the required class discussion boards. Also, SUNY provides a software tool that is able to identify plagiarism.)Types of Comparisons

    1. Subject matter and style of the artwork.

    2. Formal elements, such as line, shape, color, texture, value, space, light and composition.3. Function or symbolism of the artwork (What was it used for? Does it communicate a message? 4. Cultural context (How might the quality of the life at the time and place the artwork was created possibly affect it function or style. Do historical events relate to the image or story depicted)

    Sample Research Project Outline

    Critical Analyses APainting #1 – Renaissance Painting #2 -Baroque Two Similarities and Two Differences1 234
    Sculpture #3 – Renaissance Sculpture #4 -Baroque Two Similarities and Two Differences1234
    Painting #5 – Renaissance Painting #6 -Baroque
    Two Similarities and Two Differences1 234

    Learning Outcomes

    Students will be able to:1. Critically analyze fine art or architecture from two periods of art history2. Compare and contrast significant fine art or architectural forms from two different periods.3. Identify and describe several significant fine art examples from two different eras.4. Create a Powerpoint Presentation that effectively communicates.Evaluation, Assessment, Grading Assessment Rubric – PowerPoint Research Project

    Achievement Level 1 Achievement Level 2 Achievement Level 3
    Provide at least six (6) images in total. (3) images from one period of architecture and (3) images from a second period of architecture. Including additional supporting image details beyond the minimum will enhance your overall grade. Points:0 (0%)Student did not provide at least six (6) images in total. Points:10 (10%)Student provided some images, but not at least six (6) in total. Points:20 (20%)Successfully provided at least six (6) images in total.
    Present at least a total of (12) twelve correct similarities and differences. (comparison A : 2 similarities and 2 differences; comparison B: 2 similarities and 2 differences;; comparison C: 2 similarities and 2 differences) Points:0 (0%)Student did not provide any accurate similarities and differences. Points:10 (10%)Student provided 6 (six) correct similarities and differences. Points:20 (20%)Student provided 12(twelve) correct similarities and differences.
    Images include name of the period of architecture, name of building, and respective dates Points:0 (0%)Images were missing:name of the period of architecture, name of building, and respective dates Points:5 (5%)Images included some but not all of: name of the period of architecture, name of building, and respective dates Points:10 (10%)All images include: name of the period of architecture, name of building, and respective dates
    Criteria: Neatness (organization, spelling, punctuation, etc.) of PPP. Points:0 (0%)Criteria: Neatness (organization, spelling, punctuation, etc.) used for PPP left something to be desired. Points:5 (5%)Criteria: Neatness (organization, spelling, punctuation, etc.) of PPP was not bad but left something to be desired. Points:10 (10%)Criteria: Neatness (organization, spelling, punctuation, etc.) of PPP was well-done.
    Readability: PPP is easy to read thereby avoiding pitfall of too much information (TMI). Points:0 (0%)PPP contained TMI which made difficult to follow and unwieldy to read. Points:5 (5%)PPP contained TMI which which took away from its readability but it was still acceptable. Points:10 (10%)PPP contained the right amount of information; thereby avoiding the pitfall of: TMI
    Criteria _follow directions Points:0 (0%)Student did not follow directions forPowerPoint presentation Points:5 (5%)Student follow some but not all directions forPowerPoint presentation Points:10 (10%)Student followed all directions for PowerPointpresentation
    Timeliness Points:0 (0%)PowerPoint presentation was not submitted Points:10 (10%)PowerPoint presentation was submitted but it was late Points:20 (20%)PowerPoint presentation was submitted on time