U.S. Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy and American Civil Liberties, assignment help

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy and American Civil Liberties, assignment help

According to this research paper (on the file) write the content as below:

Have an outline of your paper with an introduction, conclusion, and at least three main points. At the top of page one, state your thesis. Scattered throughout your outline have at least 12 direct quotations using at least six of your sources. Abbreviated citations will suffice for this assignment (as in the notecard examples above)


Thesis: This paper will argue that the civil liberties guaranteed to citizens by the U.S. Constitution, as understood by Justice Frank Murphy, make Americans the freest people on earth.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy

and American Civil Liberties


1. A number of civil liberties are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution

a. Freedom from slavery may be foremost under a democratic government.

b. The right to keep and bear arms is also a treasured right.

c. Equal protection under the law is based on the Fourteenth Amendment.

2. Five freedoms are expressly guaranteed by the First Amendment.

a. All five are extremely important.

“In the understanding of the founders, it was a ‘self-evident truth’ that

every human being, simply by virtue of having been created by God, had the same rights as any other. These rights were regarded as ‘unalienable,’ which meant they could not rightfully be taken away.”[1]

b. This paper will focus on three: Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Expression, and Freedom

of Assembly, and Justice Frank Murphy’s understanding of First Amendment protection for all three.

I. Freedom of Religion is based on the First Amendment’s allowing its free exercise.

A. (First Sub-point with quote and citation)

B. (Second Sub-point with quote and citation)

C. . . . etc.

II. Freedom of Expression concerns the freedom of speech, press and other forms of communication.

A. Freedom of Speech

“In 1942, in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, the Court undertook to say which speech is not free speech—i.e. is unprotected by the First Amendment.” [2]

B. Freedom of the Press

“The central function of the press is most evident when the press discloses information about government, especially information that the government wishes to keep secret.” [3]

C. Symbolic Speech

“For First Amendment purposes, there are three kinds of conduct: (1) conduct that has no communicative value, (2) conduct that is purely communicative and (3) conduct that has a mix of communicative and non-communicative elements.” [4]

III. Freedom of Assembly is based on the First Amendment’s forbidding Congress to restrict citizens from assembling freely.

A. (First Sub-point with quote and citation)

B. (Second Sub-point with quote and citation)

C. . . . etc.


There is no doubt but that America is the freest nation on earth.

“Today, in part because of the First Amendment, no nation conducts its politics more freely, and no nation has more freedom of expression.” [5]


Forms (Use Chicago Manual of Style)


1. Terry Eastland, ed., Freedom of Expression in the Supreme Court (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000), xii.

2. Eastland, xxv.

3. Randal P. Bezanson, How Free Can the Press Be? (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003), 1.

4. W. Wat Hopkins, ed. Communication and the Law, 2016 ed. (Northport, Alabama: Vision Press, 2016), 38.

5. Eastland, xxvi.


Bezanson, Randall P. How Free Can the Press Be? Urbana: University of Illinois Press,


Eastland, Terry, ed. Freedom of Expression in the Supreme Court. Lanham, Maryland:

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000.

Hopkins, W. Wat, ed. Communication and the Law, 2016 ed. Northport, Alabama: Vision

Press, 2016.