Thesis Project

Thesis Project

No plagarism 

Analysis of the use of Child labor in India and it’s political, economic, and social implication 

Chapter 1 (2-5 pages)

 I – Introduction/Background Info (two-five pages)

a.Write about the brief history child labor in general


b.Problem statement (half  a page)

India is one of the fastest growing economy in the world with an average per capital income of xxx. However the organizations are using child labor to produce goods and services. Often times these child are underpaid and work in a very difficult environment ( cite). The purpose of this research study is to investigate the social, political, and economic implication of using child labor. 


Iii – Research questions

1.What is child labor

2.How is child labor is measured

3.What is the implication of using child labor

4.What is the trend?


H0:  Organizations that use child labor violate the corporate social responsibilities ethics 

H1 Organizations that use child labor  do not violate the corporate social responsibilities ethics  (You may have more than one hypothesis)

v.Theoretical framework, model  (1-5 pages)

1.Pick your theory

1.Find similar theory or model that support your research

  vi.Expected outcome

 What do you expect from this research?

a.Chapter 2_Literature Review (10-15 Pages at least)  – a few peer review journal articles from  or other sources

  I. Past The history and evolution

  II.Present – Current –Challenges in exploring the filed ( cost, complexities, implementation, training  competitive advantage, culture, power ….)

  III.Future – Trends in addressing these issues

  IV. Annotated Bibliography

Pick five peer –review journal article and write 2-3 paragraph summarizing your understanding of the paper.

(  Little Analysis)How other researchers managed to provide information on this topic (compare/contrast/analyze/ )

  V.Expand the theoretical framework from chapter one (optional)

b.Chapter 3_Research Method – Case Study /Comparative analysis (between different)/Qualitative or Quantitative Study/ Trend Analysis 

 Define what QS

I.Identify your population /define sampling/sampling framework

II.Develop questionnaires and send using email/survey monkey/Facebook

– Data collection procedures

  II.Source of your data – secondary/primary

I.Analysis techniques –

  a.Regression/cluster/simply causal/