Speech to Introduce, communications assignment help

Speech to Introduce, communications assignment help

This first speech is a simple. In this speech you will be following a specified format. Please look at this to see where you will be going in this class.

In the Speech to Introduce, you will use the following elements to structure the speech:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
  3. Conclusion

All speeches follow that format.

Let’s look at what you will be doing in the Speech to Introduce yourself or a friend.


In this introduction,

1. You will first tell us how you are, then tell us how you know the person you are going to introduce.

2. You will tell us what this person reminds you of. (You may use your own wording, but you may say that Elmer reminds you of the Energizer Bunny. (In this speech, we call that, the “Theme”.

3. You will then introduce us to three words that tell us why you said this person reminded you of The Energizer Bunny.

In future speeches, you will do something similar.

1. You will tell the audience who you are and why this subject matters to you, and how it may matter to them.

2. You will tell us what you are going to discuss. Again, you may say, “I find understanding the braking system of a car is easy to understand, and is very important. I think, after you listen to what I have to say, you will agree.” (This is called the “Thesis Statement”.)

3. Then you will Preview the main points that tell your audience why understanding the braking system of a car is important information. Those main points, are the same as the stories you used in the Speech to Introduce. “The braking system consists of 1. you, 2. the actual mechanical braking system, and 3. the tires on your car.

The Body of the Speech

In the Speech to introduce,

You will take each word (major point) and support it with a story.

You take those words in the same order you gave them to the listeners in the introduction.

Stories are a form of support. The word (major point) cannot stand alone. If you say John is like the energizer bunny because he: 1. Active, 2. Efficient, 3. Persevering, that only “asserts John is those things. You must support those words. In this instance, we are using stories.

In other speeches

You take those main points:

  1. You
  2. The actual braking mechanism
  3. The tires

And you support each one. You explain how “You”, as the driver are involved in braking.

You explain the parts of the brakes – the mechanics

You explain how the tread on the tires, the inflation of the tires etc. relate to stopping the car.

The Conclusion All speeches need a strong conclusion. One does not simply say, “Yup – That’s it” and sit down.

In the Speech to Introduce

1. Reflect back on the introduction. (I said John reminds me of the Energizer Bunny)

2. Reiterate the three main words without going back over the stories.

3. End with a strong statement about John, the words and the energizer bunny. Or – you may use a quote from some other source, or you may show a photo of John. The point it to tie everything together with a nice strong ending.

In other Speeches

1. Reflect back on your “thesis” statement.

2. Summarize the three main points

3. Show how this affects the listeners with one strong statement, or short story or example. Again, you may use a quote.

The thing I want you to understand is that this first Speech To Introduce is not so different from your Informative Speeches. They all have an Intoduction, Body and Conclusion. Each of these must be a part of every speech.

The Introduction sets the tone. It lets the audience know why you are talking about what you are going to talk about. It tells them why you are going to talk about it – what it means to you and to them. It previews the main points and leads to the body of the speech.

The body of the speech supports the main points.

The conclusion of the speech (Which is probably what your listeners will most easily recall), ties everything together, reminding them of why you were discussing it in the first place.

(There are degrees of subtlety in each step, but these are the basic steps.)

I want to be sure you understand, the first speech is every bit as important as any other speech you will be delivering.