social security paper, business and finance homework help

social security paper, business and finance homework help

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Assignment: Social Security Paper (2–3 pages)

Research the development and administration of the US Social Security program. Include its history, current structure, and calculation of benefits; also, include other benefits available through the program.

The social security paper is worth 10 percent of your final grade All papers must adhere to APA Style Guide; see UMUC’s Writing Center for more information. For your convenience; writing resources and tutorials are available under Course Resources in our online classroom.


Word process using a standard font with font size 12.

All four margins should be set at one inch.

Title page includes student name, instructor’s name, course number, assignment topic and date.

While paper length is a graded component – the body (paper text) of the assignment for full credit will be a minimum of 2 ½ pages in length not to exceed 3 pages.

Page ordering of Assignment: title page, body of assignment & works cited sheet.

When necessary provide a Works Cited Sheet. Any material quoted, referenced or paraphrased must be adequately cited. Refer to theAPA style manual for guidelines on citation. For your convenience; writing resources and tutorials are available under Course Resources in our online classroom.

Your paper will be submitted through the Classroom using a dropbox entitled “Social Security Paper” located under the Assignments tab.

Keep an electronic copy of your work.

Assignments will be graded according to the following rubric:

Written Paper Rubric


Possible Points per Criteria


Meets Expectations



Not Apparent

____ points

____ points

____ points

____ points

0 Points


Arranges ideas clearly and logically to support the purpose or argument; ideas flow smoothly and are effectively linked; reader can follow the line of reasoning

Arranges ideas adequately to support the purpose or argument; links between ideas are generally clear; reader can follow the line of reasoning for the most part

Arranges ideas adequately, in general, although ideas sometimes fail to make sense together; reader remains fairly clear about what writer intends

Arranges ideas illogically; ideas frequently fail to make sense together; reader cannot identify a line of reasoning and becomes frustrated or loses interest

No assignment submitted or submitted late


Gives very specific information. Addressed all of the assignment components. Clearly illustrates critical and reflective thinking.
Well thought out response.

Contains specific information. Addressed all of the assignment components. Is relatively detailed. Shows some critical and reflective thinking. Relatively well thought out response.

Has some specific information. Addressed many of the assignment components. Not detailed.
Poorly thought out response.

Is vague and does not address all assignment components. No evidence of having given the assignment real thought.

No assignment submitted or submitted late.

Technical / Grammar

Execution is excellent. No grammar or writing errors. Reads easily. Is well organized.

Well executed. Few grammar or writing errors. Reads easily.
Is fairly well organized.

Execution is poor. Many grammar or writing errors. Hard to read. Poorly organized.

Falls short of the required length for the assignment. Very poorly written. Very difficult to read. No organization is evident. Reads like a last minute effort.

No assignment submitted or submitted late