Recommend a Marketing Mix

Recommend a Marketing Mix


Your role will see you focussing on determining the marketing and promotional 

activities for Tri Fitness to create brand awareness and grow our membership numbers. 

Your task for the organisation has been explained in an email from Victor Sleiman. 

Review this email and then : 

i. Use the TRI Fitness report template to create a marketing mix report reccommending a marketing mix for TRI Fitness. 

NOW CHECK THE ASSESSMENT and the resources attached to this form. 

Resources required for this task : 

– TRI Fitness Company File 

– TRI Fitness Marketing Strategy

– TRI Fitness Membership Profile 

– Email from Victor Sleiman 

– TRI Fitness Report Template 

Check list 

– Used TRI Fitness report template to create your report 

– Addressed all details in Victor’s email in your report