Police officer, corrections officer, probation officer, law questions help

Police officer, corrections officer, probation officer, law questions help

police officer is assigned to conduct a burglary investigation. He describes the scene and says they found drops of blood, a hammer, shoeprints, and a handprint. What types of technology are available for him, and how does the technology impact his ability to conduct a thorough investigation? 

corrections officer is assigned to the visitors’ entrance at the prison. What types of technology are available to him, and how does the technology impact his ability to prevent visitors from smuggling in contraband? 

probation officer has been told that due to overcrowding in the state prison, nonviolent offenders will be released and put on probation. What types of technology are available to her, and how does the technology impact her ability to maintain contact with these probationers? 

Select one court case from the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document where the use of technology was a driving factor, and discuss the impact of that case in reshaping the role of the law enforcement practitioner. 

COUrt cases, have to choose one: http://www.invispress.com/law/justice/white.html



Based on the differences in available and emerging technology in each of the branches, which career path uses technology that you have the most interest in learning and utilizing, and why? 

ONly has to be about 2 pages in APA STYLE format.