Paper about Marketing, marketing homework help

Paper about Marketing, marketing homework help

Marketing Plans: All work must look professional. One report should not have sections with different fonts, coloring schemes, or formatting.

  • The cover should also include the name of the paper, the name of this class, your name and the date.
  • Brief synopsis of the paper/ Executive summary.
  • Sections should be clearly labeled.
  • The paper should be done in Word or PowerPoint and sent to instructor’s Pitt email address.
  • While creativity is always encouraged, make sure your report looks professional. One font and color palate is appropriate. Important things like page numbers and citations are essential.
  • Please use paragraphs, punctuation, and spell check your work.
  • All secondary research must be cited. Wikipedia should not be your only source. You should have more appropriate secondary research from journals and credible magazines, and other scholarly works.
  • The Marketing plan should cover all of the sections discussed in class please reference chapter 2. This should be no less than 7 pages in Word. This does not include the cover page and references.