mitigating the effects of Climate Change, business and finance homework help

mitigating the effects of Climate Change, business and finance homework help

topic: Should Australian businesses be made responsible for mitigating the effects of Climate Change?

 you are required to edit your opening paragraph (also known as the Thesis or introduction) and a concluding paragraph (also known as the Reiteration of Thesis or conclusion) for your argumentative essay that you have written.

These paragraphs should be between 100 and 150 words each. The two paragraphs should

therefore be 200-300 words altogether. There is no word limit for the rest of the document.

Highlight your thesis statement and topic sentences in your essay like the way we have done

during the lectures. Underline the keywords in your opening paragraph, and draw arrows to

connect them to the keywords in the essay question and the rest of your paragraphs. 

the structure must follow: 

opening paragraph must have 4 part: 

1. background =narrow +justify topic ,• narrow down your topic • justify your topic • don’t include anything you’re not prepared to discuss

2.thesis statement = purpose, purpose of your essay (argue, explain, describe, etc.) • signal your thesis statement clearly using key words

 3.outline = what to expect,tell readers what to expect • put in correct sequence • indicate sequence (first, second, third, etc.) from the topic sentence in each paragraph

4.significance of your research, sell your essay • use positioning words

concluding paragraph must have 3 parts:

1.Summary of findings:  • remind reader of your findings • focus on new information (last sentence of each paragraph) • don’t repeat known information

2.Significance • why your reader should bother • generalize your argument • use positioning words

3. Suggestions • further research • or applications • only use hedging here