Marketing Research , marketing homework help

Marketing Research , marketing homework help

Marketing research

Here is a link to the Top 100 retailers of 2016. Open the link and choose Costco retailer which is number three on list. Then conduct extensive online research, consider the retailer website, and then answer the following questions in detail pertaining to Costco retailer :

  • 1)Research and discuss the important trends in the retail category in which Costco retailer competes and general consumer trends that may have an impact on the retailer.
  • 2)Is Costco retailer strategically ready to meet the challenges presented #1? If yes, what are they doing? If no, what are Costco proposed solutions?
  • 3)How would you define the target market of Costco retailer based on demographic and lifestyle characteristics?
  • 4)How does Costco retailer add value to its customers and what is their sustainable competitive advantages?
  • 5)Analyze the competitive dynamics of Costco retailer’s category and explain its relative position in the competitive landscape
  • 6)Analyze the factors that might affect the store location of Costco retailer
  • 7)Private label brands are an important aspect of any retailer? What is your retailer’s private label strategy? Is it any different from their competition?
  • 8)Comment on the omni-channel strategies of Costco retailer.
  • 9)Based on Costco research, make some recommendations for the growth and development of Costco retailer. Consider the retailing mix when you develop your strategies.

Provide an appendix.

If the retailer assigned to you does not have enough publicly available information, email me to switch to another retailer.

This work should be done in word file.

Single Spaced, Times New Roman, 11 font size.