List and discuss the background differences as it relates to planning in Europe and the United States

List and discuss the background differences as it relates to planning in Europe and the United States

These are just questions not essay and please put the source as to where you retrieved the information

  1. List and discuss the background differences as it relates to planning in Europe and the United States. 
  2. Choose one of the following nations: Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Scandinavia and Germany. 
  3. Provide a comprehensive analysis related to key planning issues for the nation of your choosing.
  4. How does planning theory differ from the practice of planning? 
  5. What is the major difference between public planning and private planning? 
  6. List and discuss three theoretical approaches to the process of planning. 
  7. Which approach do you feel is most effective for urban planners? Why?

Number 2 will be your choice

Please use reference below

  • Levy, J. M. (2013). Contemporary urban planning (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall Press.
    • Chapter 17: National Planning in the United States
    • Chapter 18: Planning in Other Nations
    • Chapter 19: Planning Theory