Leadership, management homework help

Leadership, management homework help

The intent of spiritual leadership is to motive people in order to increase performance and organizational effectiveness (Fry, as cited in Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009). Leading in a culturally diverse workplace may challenge any leader. It is important, then, to develop leadership strategies before you are faced with such challenges.


Address the following points in a critical analysis:

  • Describe what leaders need to learn in order to build an effective multicultural workforce.
  • Evaluate the benefits of a leader who has developed the skill of cross-cultural communication. Explain what knowledge is required for a person to increase his/her understanding of another culture (hint: for example, greetings, customs, or holiday celebrations).
  • What strategies can leaders employ to cultivate tolerance, understanding, and appreciation of all cultures?
  • How can a leader overcome a lack of gender equality/sensitivity in cultures other than his or her own, while remaining grounded in his/her cultural values