Law and Sports

Law and Sports

Assignment Instructions NEED IT BY Sunday PLEASE

$10 Max

Brief the case Bouchat v. Ravens, found in the Resources section.

Please remember to you the approved case brief format that includes the following parts: (1) Facts, (2) Procedural History, (3) Issues Statements, (4) Holdings, (5) Reasoning, and (6) Decision. 

Case briefs are used to highlight the key information contained within a case for use within the legal community as court cases can be quite lengthy.

When writing case briefs, all information must be properly cited.  Make sure you are not copying and pasting from your source. Most of the material should be paraphrased; quotations should make up no more than 10%  of the brief.  Note: since the purpose to is highlight and summarize key information, merely copying and pasting from the case does not accomplish this goal. You must summarize the facts in your own words, using quotations sparingly.


Please take a look at the three handouts that I have attached here.  The first handout outlines how to brief a case with a detailed explanation of each part of the case brief.  The second handout outlines how I will be grading these case briefs.  The third handout provides an example of a properly done case brief.  If you would like to read the case briefed in the model case, please find the case on Lexis at Delanhanty v. Hickley, 564 A.2d 758 (D.C. 1989).   While carefully considering these materials, please remember that you need to brief the Bouchat v. Ravens case for submission. 

Legal case names should be done in standard “Blue Book” format. Example:
York v. Smith, 65 U.S. 294 (1995). For further information see and look under the “How to Cite” section. Bluebook citation information is also found in the course materials section.

Your brief should be 2 pages in length and in the approved format.