Gross Domestic Product, economics homework help

Gross Domestic Product, economics homework help

Assignment: Gross Domestic Product

  • Complete the Gross Domestic Product worksheet.

To access the Gross Domestic Product data required in the worksheet from the government website, use the following click stream: 

> Access the website,

> Under the “National” heading, click “Gross Domestic Product.”

> Under the heading “Gross Domestic Product,” click on “Interactive Tables: GDP and the National Income and Product Account (NIPA) Historical Tables.”

> Click on “Begin using the data”

> Select “Section I – Domestic Product and Income”

> Select “Table 1.1.5 Gross Domestic Product (A)(Q).”

​> Use the column for 4th quarter of 2015. The quarter years are in roman numerals (IV = 4 ).​​​​​​​