Fashion Business Practices and the Environment, writing homework help

Fashion Business Practices and the Environment, writing homework help

Team Topic Statement/Thesis: What is the purpose of the project? What specific direction is your team taking with this topic? What is your research attempting to accomplish? What will your fellow-classmates learn once they view this project? How is this topic relevant and meaningful to your classmates?-

The purpose of this project is to investigate how retailers within the fashion industry are conducting their business practices in relation to the environment. Our team will research current ways that retailers are either harming the environment or how they are being environmentally conscious. At the end, we will be able to understand how retailers have made efforts in helping the environment and ways in which they can improve.

Research business practices of retailers

  • What are they doing now?
  • Harmful or friendly to environment?
  • Research current developments of environmentally friendly alternatives?
  • State if retailers would be able to use any of the developments researched above
  • Suggest ways the retailers could implement these developments or strategies into their

Schould be in a essay format APA format with refrences 3-4 pages the list