Communication in the Real World, Chapter 3.3, law assignment help

Communication in the Real World, Chapter 3.3, law assignment help

  • Review the section on using words ethically in Communication in the Real World, Chapter 3.3; then, identify a situation where you believe language could be used unethically in academic, professional, or personal contexts. Next, suggest three (3) ways your example relates to civility, polarizing language, swearing, or accountability.

Arbitration” Please respond to the following:

  • Discuss the key features of arbitration and mediation, explain how they differ, and provide an example of cases for which each is suited.
  • Justify the benefits of using either form of ADR instead of a trial. If you have been involved in this type of situation, include your assessment of the benefits it provided for your case.
Summary Jury Trials” Please respond to the following:

  • Describe a legal complaint that you think might benefit from a summary jury trial and whether the outcome will be binding or advisory. Explain why.
  • If an arbitrator cannot resolve issues provided for in the submission agreement and parties are required to arbitrate those issues, justify the value of the arbitration process as an alternative to litigation.