the Business/Accounting Course Project, assignment help

the Business/Accounting Course Project, assignment help

Project Overview

You have encountered, and will continue to encounter, many ethical situations throughout your life. How you approach and handle these situations is part of what makes you who you are. The ability to effectively approach these ethical situations is a skill that spans all aspects of your life and crosses professions. Scenarios are presented in these projects to give you the opportunity to apply this skill to your career path and gain greater insight into the application of ethics in general.

Course Projects Organized by Program

From the list below, select the Course Project that is associated with the program of study you are currently pursuing. For example, if you are in the School of Business, then you need to complete the Business Course Project.

Download the Course Project that corresponds with your field and review the specific assignment descriptions it contains. You should only be doing one (1) Course Project (the one associated with your Program of study).

Requirements and Due Dates

There are two parts to this project. Both parts are written assignments and will involve reflection and consideration using the scenario presented in your program-specific course project download (above). The first part of this project is due in Module 02. The second, and final, part of this project is due in Module 05.

Time Line


Assignment Due




Part 1


Part 2


Each part of the project is evaluated and graded independently. Your instructor will provide specific grading criteria for each step of the project prior to its due date.