Need help on a Finance homework of 650 words

Need help on a Finance homework of 650 words

Read the following and respond to the questions.

1. Because your customer went on vacation at year-end, they didn’t get their huge order placed with you. They told you they would place the order in December but the purchasing department left early for the holidays. This was no one’s fault. The order came in the right after the first of the year, lowering your planned revenue numbers and the bonuses of your very deserving employees. It doesn’t seem fair. What should you do?

**** Response should be at least 650 words total ****

Must provide a thorough answer to the question with references!

HERE IS AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE OF SIMILAR ASSIGNMENT. Please consider submitting something in this format.

1. If you had to decide whether to continue making a component part or to begin buying the part from an overseas supplier, what quantitative and qualitative factors would influence your decision?

You are the Managerial Accountant. Again, what quantitative and qualitative factors would influence your decision in this scenario?


There are numerous quantitative factors to consider. The numbers provided show that off-shoring the drive up window service means it has the potential to lower the cost of providing the service which will have the effect of driving profits higher. Other things that can be measured are the clearness or unclearness (static) in the connection, reliability of the connection, loudness of the person’s voice, friendliness of the person’s voice, understandability of the person speaking, accuracy of the order taken, speed of the order, and the number of jobs pushed off-shore by McDonald’s action. When the customer pulls away from the menu to pay for the food and pick it up, it takes around 10 seconds for another car to pull forward. During that time, off-shore order-takers can be answering a call from a different McDonald’s where someone has already pulled up. In the traditional system, the in-store order taker waits for the next customer to arrive while attempting to multi-task in the restaurant. (Richtel, 2006).

There are a number of qualitative factors. The order-taking may not always be seamless. Often customers’ voices are faint, forcing the workers to ask for things to be repeated. During rainstorms, it can be particularly hard to hear orders from there over the din. Matt Richtel (2006) reporting for the New York Times describes the environment for a call center employee named Julissa Vargas, “Ms. Vargas seems unfazed by her job, even though it involves being subjected to constant electronic scrutiny. Software tracks her productivity and speed, and every so often a red box pops up on her screen to test whether she is paying attention. She is expected to click on it within 1.75 seconds. In the break room, a computer screen lets employees know just how many minutes have elapsed since they left their workstations…The goals of such centers are not just to cut labor costs but also to provide more focused customer service — improving the level of personal attention by sending Happy Meal orders on a thousand-mile round trip.”

The off-shoring of lower skill jobs has a impact in the U.S. for job prospects looking for those jobs or people already in the jobs who have been let go. Fewer jobs result in higher unemployment for those looking for that type of work who are unqualified or lack the skills for other higher paying jobs.

Big stores like Home Depot could benefit from remote call centers by equiping carts with location devices and speakers that customers could use to contact a call center wirelessly for shopping advice. With a wireless system in a Home Depot, for example, a call-center operator might tell a customer, “You’re at Aisle D6. Let me walk you over to where you can find the 16-penny nails.” 

If I were in a decision-making position and found that the order taking could be improved by using an off-shore system at a lower cost, I would seriously consider the option. I would want to evaluate all aspects of the customer experience to ensure that the service truly was better and not worse than the current service.


Richtel, Matt. (2006, April 11). The Long-Distance Journey of a Fast-Food Order. The New York Times.