leadership, management homework help

leadership, management homework help

For this assignment, you will write a proposal to your organization’s senior management team for a project you would like to receive approval for. The section titled Practical Skills: Proposal Writing in the interactive lecture on page V of Module 7 provides guidance to help you determine the specific needs of your audience.

Your proposal will be based on the work you have already done for the Module 6 Critical Thinking Assignment.  You will be writing on the topic you chose for that assignment, either:

  • Leadership Training Need Identified
  • Reward and Recognition Program Needed

Review the information provided in the Module 7, Page V, Practical Skills: Proposal Writing, interactive lecture.  Use the proposal template (link below) for the assignment.

Your proposal should be 6-8 pages in length and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Include at least 5 scholarly references, proper in-text citation, and a reference page. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

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