

Part A. Are opinions a form of defamation? Explain why or why not. See Gifford v. National Enquirer at 23 Media L. Rep. 1016, 1993 WL 767192 (D. Cal. 1993) and at

p. 804 of your text.

  • Part B. Differentiate between absolute and qualified privileges in defamation actions. See p. 820 for reference

Discussion 2: Alternatives to Litigation” Please respond to the following:

  • Explain whether or not an injured worker can receive Worker’s Compensation Benefits regardless of whether or not the injury was the employee’s fault.

    What is the general rule regarding whether or not an injured employee can sue his employer for tort liability? Discuss any exceptions to this rule. See Fryer v. Kranz at 616 N.W. 2d 102 (S.D. 2000) and at p. 858 of your textbook.

The Election of Barack Obama” Please respond to the following: (Note: Please make a substantive comment to one (1) of your classmates.)

  • From the scenario, discuss specific aspects of the freedom movements of the 50s and 60s that you believe paved the way for the election of Barack Obama in 2008. Highlight at least one (1) specific piece of legislation and at least one (1) leader who contributed to increased political participation by African Americans and other minority groups. Provide a rationale for your response