Criminal justice Discussion, law homework help

Criminal justice Discussion, law homework help

Here is the first question on the Discussion page. Be sure to select the Discussion page to the left under Week 3 and respond to the following question:

(5a) Are the gaps between justice and criminal law fixable? In other words, with the right guidance, could the justice offered by the criminal courts be improved? Voice your ideas about solutions to these criminal justice issues by responding to the following prompts:

  • Are occasional justice failures on the part of the criminal courts an unavoidable part of the justice system? Why or why not?
  • In your opinion, what is the worst possible miscarriage of justice that could result in the criminal courts, and why? What could be done to prevent such an occurrence?
  • Describe two other solutions that could be implemented to address the problems with justice emerging in criminal courts.

Must be at least 250 words!