week 5 forum 1 Samuel

week 5 forum 1 Samuel

Discuss the various identification methods used in the criminal justice system. Discuss some of the flaws with eye witness identifications?There are multiple methods utilized to identify a suspect from a crime scene.One common method would be biometric identification, usually when people think of this type the first thing that comes to mind is fingerprints. Due the unique nature of an individual’s fingerprint it can be utilized to identify a suspect.This is a method that has been used for 100s of years with different methods utilized to identify the unique patterns in the fingerprints. (jblearning.com, pg 120-121)By looking at those patterns an investigator can either identify or rule out a suspect.Another method is utilizing DNA sequencing, which by examining the DNA found at the scene can be used to identify the suspect.Depending on the amount of DNA found at the scene will determine the method they utilize because some methods can utilize minute amount of DNA and still come up with a sequence that can be analyzed. (jblearning.com, pg 134-139) And of course there is eye witness identification, which you would assume would be more accurate but is not. As this week lesson went over an individual’s memory is a delicate thing and it can be affected by multiple issue from time to stress at the time of the memorrespond to this discussion question with 100 words samuel gomez