Scenario #3

Scenario #3

After the accident, you take your motorcycle to the dealer. It’ll take $3000 to fix. You go in and get checked out at the hospital where you are put into a cast for a broken foot and given pain meds that keep you home from work for a week. Neither of you have insurance, and your hospital bills are an additional $4000. You take your bills to your mom and tell her that she really should pay them for you. However, she tells you that while she is sorry it happened she isn’t going to pay them because she’s been telling you for years that riding motorcycles are dangerous and those are just the risks you take when you ride. According to her, you’ve learned a valuable lesson and are lucky to have gotten away with just a broken foot since you weren’t wearing motorcycle boots. You ask your mom if she was on her phone when she hit you. She says, “No, I wasn’t texting anyone. I have it connected to my radio and was trying to change a song on it.” You don’t know what to do. You sit down, grab a pen, paper, and a Pepsi, and brainstorm as to what to do.