Discussion Board 9

Discussion Board 9

In Chapter 39 of the textbook, the authors discuss various policies and procedures that employers should have to limit discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace.  Here is a news story about sexual harassment in the workplace from ABC newshttp://abcnews.go.com/US/real-women-sexual-harassment-workplace/story?id=43824138What policies and procedures would you recommend being implemented in the workplace to combat sexual harassment. Make sure to support your policies and procedures with information from Chapter 39 of the textbook.If you are currently working, feel free to include procedures that are in place where you currently work.Instructions:Each student must post an answer to my question which would be your initial response  (200-500 words in length) and contain two references to the textbook readings. Your initial response (which is the answer to my question) should be completed by Saturday, April 20th.  In addition to this, you must post four additional substantive posts in response to your classmates messages. All posts on Discussion Board 9 must be made by midnight on April 23rd.  For full participation board credit, you must post at least five posts (your initial response to my question and four responsive substantive posts to your classmates messages).  Make sure to carefully review what counts as a substantive post as set forth in the course syllabus.