Facebook Living Killings

Facebook Living Killings

Read the article Cleveland Shooting Highlight’s Facebook’s Responsibility in Policing Depraved Videos found at:http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/cleveland-shooting-highlights-facebook-s-responsibility-policing-depraved-videos-n7473061.Discuss whether or not you believe that Facebook has a legal or ethical duty to rescue a crime victim.Foundation from reading Chapters 1 and 2 – Jennings, Marianne. (2018). Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment (11th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning..· Discuss the definition of Law.·  What is Legal Duty? Provide examples to illustrate your understanding. Rely upon cases presented in chapter reading that helps illustrate and explain concepts.· What is Ethics?  Should a company have ethical policies and standards?· Discuss corporate responsibility. .· Ultimate answer to question 1. Based on your discussion of the law, does Facebook have a legal or ethical duty or both to rescue a crime victim? Does Facebook have  a legal or ethical duty to protect users from violent content, and prevent  violent posts and live streams.Please note: Your answer must be based on the law, not on your feeling, biases or sympathy.2. Suggest and elaborate on three (3) ways that social media platforms can be more proactive and thorough with their review of the types of content that appear on their sites.· Use research on Social Platforms proactive ways· Identify the proactive way· Explain how it works· Here you can also highlight known cases of social media platforms being proactive in  removing violent or inappropriate content from their site.3. Propose two (2) safeguards that Facebook and other social media platforms should put into place to help prevent acts of violence from being broadcasted.· Suggest how social media platforms can use technology to prevent the broadcasting of acts of violence.· Examine ways to flag inappropriate content.· Discuss ways  of discouraging users to broadcast inappropriate content.· Look at  hiring  and training of a safeguard workforce.· What safeguards does Facebook have in place?4. Conduct some research to determine whether or not Facebook has an Ethics Officer or Oversight Committee. If so, discuss the key functions of these positions. If not, debate onwhether or not they should create these roles.· Clearly state whether   Facebook has an Ethics Committee or Oversight Committee that ensures content posted on the site adheres to Facebook’s community standards,· Investigate whether  Facebook has a workforce that  monitors inappropriate content and activities.· How does Facebook organize its  workforce to reduce inappropriate  content and activities?· If  Facebook has an Ethics Officer or Oversight Committeediscussthe key functions of these positions?·  If   Facebook does not have an Ethics Officer or Oversight Committee,  should they or shouldn’t they create these roles?5. Propose two (2) changes Facebook should adopt to encourage ethical use of their platform..· What practice and measures can Facebook use to prevent certain content and encourage ethical use of  their platform.· Examining the use of technology.· Review the use of workforce.· How will these changes work?Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment.The following citation will not be accepted: citing a website only as:https://www.theverge.com/2019/2/25/18229714/cognizant-facebook-content-moderator-interviews-trauma-working-conditions-arizonaThe book is Business: It’s Legal, Ethical and Global Environment by: Marianne M. Jennings