Chapter 22 Discussion Questions//Corrections

Chapter 22 Discussion Questions//Corrections

1. Of the three correctional challenges identified in the Chapter 22 course material, which do you believe is the most difficult/important challenge for corrections for the next 10 years? Fully explain and support your choice.2. The fate of an organization lies in the hands of its future employees.  Corrections is no exception.  Design a five point recruitment plan aimed at YOU that would catch your attention and make you look at corrections as an option for your long term career.Due by Friday, December 8, 2017 @5pm central standard time, United States. NOT PAYING FOR ANYTHING AFTER 5pm CT. The answer to these question must be at least 250 words each. Please cite any outside sources.Attached are readings from the text book named “American Corrections 11th eidition” to help answer the questions.