Homeland Security

Homeland Security

For the final assignment, you will take the midterm and the progress assignment and combine the two into one seamless document.  In addition to your first two papers, you will make at least three substantive recommendations on how to prevent or disrupt your selected group from attacking the United States homeland.  Make sure your recommendations are focused only on the homeland as this is not a foreign policy or international relations course. Also, make sure your recommendations address a role for state and local agencies (as we discussed in week 4). In lieu of an abstract, an executive summary should be included.The completed paper must be double spaced and follow guidelines (parenthetical citation format) and be free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors (see example paper from the progress assignment). Name the assignment “lastname_wk8r.doc”.Compliance with the above directions, quality of your analysis, and the SSGS Assignment Rubric for 300-400 Level Classes will be used to evaluate this assignment. Assignment RubricAssignment RubricNote on the three paper assignment series:  The first paper (the midterm) is about the group you select and basically provides a historical perspective about the group. The second paper (the progress assignment) is a red cell where you put yourself in the shoes of the terrorist group by thinking like they would to determine how the U.S. can do intelligence collection on the terrorist group.For the final assignment, you will combine all that you wrote in the first two papers into one seamless document and you will add at least three recommendations you would provide to a Homeland Security policy maker on how to counter your selected organization. Be sure to improve your writing based on feedback you receive from the midterm and progress assignment.