Applied Spreadsheets, homework help

Applied Spreadsheets, homework help

Lab Work

(3b-c, 4a-b, 5a) Project 3C: ParksIn this lab, you will edit a worksheet which details the revenue generated from city parks and structures.

To successfully complete this graded lab:

  1. Download the file(s) to use in your lab.


  2. Follow all of the instructions for Project 3C: Parks on pages 215 – 217 of the textbook to create the resulting spreadsheet.
  3. Don’t forget to check out the Project 3C: Parks rubrics to see how this assignment will be graded.
  4. Save your completed spreadsheet as Lastname_Firstname_3G_Expenses.xslx. (Replace “Lastname_Firstname” with your name.)
  5. Submit the lab to the Dropbox for this assignment.