13 ethics questions, management homework help

13 ethics questions, management homework help

Answer the following 9 questions and also the 4 questions on page 24 of the attached Ch.8 book PDF, in the Ethics in Practice Case “The Anonymous CEO: Strong or Weak Ethical Leader?” You should recognize that your answers to these discussion questions should be well reasoned and supported with evidence. Make certain that you use chapter material and theory as the basis for your answers. No outside material. All work must be original as this will be submitted through Turnitin. No plagiarism. DUE SAtURDAY 10/22 BY 8PM PST

1. Give a definition of ethical business behavior, explain the components involved in making ethical decisions, and give an example from your personal experience of the sources of ethical norms that affect you while making these determinations. 2. To demonstrate that you understand the three models of management ethics – moral, immoral, and amoral – give an example from your personal experience of each type. Do you agree that amorality is a serious problem? Explain. 3. Give examples from your personal experience of Kohlberg’s Levels 1, 2, and 3. If you do not think you have ever gotten to Level 3, give an example of what it might be like. 4. Compare your motivations to behave ethically with those listed in Figure 7-14. Do the reasons given in that figure agree with your personal assessment? Discuss the similarities and differences between Figure 7-14 and your personal assessment. From your personal experience, give an example of a situation you have faced that would require one of the six elements of moral judgment. 5. From your personal experience, give two examples of ethical dilemmas. Give two examples of ethical dilemmas you have experienced as a member of an organization. 6. Using the examples you provided for question 1, identify one or more of the guides to personal decision-making or ethical tests you think would have helped you resolve your dilemmas. Describe how it would have helped. 7. Which is most important in ethics principles – consequences or duty? Discuss. 8. Assume that you are in your first managerial position. Identify five ways in which you might provide ethical leadership. Rank them in terms of importance, and be prepared to explain your ranking. 9. What do you think about the idea of codes of conduct? Give three reasons why an organization ought to have a code of conduct, and three reasons why an organization should not have a code of conduct. On balance, how do you regard codes of conduct?